Congregational Care

How can we help you?

At ICGC, we believe in the power of community and the importance of caring for one another.

The Congregational Care ministry is dedicated to providing support and assistance to all members of our congregation.

Please select the form that best reflects your current needs so we can connect with you and offer the appropriate support.

For Life Events:

Naming Ceremony Form:
For celebrating the birth of a child.

Child Dedication Form:
To dedicate children to God.

Bereavement Support Form:
For support during times of loss.

Property Dedication Form:
To dedicate property to God.

Persons Intending to Marry Form:
For premarital counseling and support.

Thanksgiving Form:
To express gratitude for blessings.

For Health and Well-being:

Shut-In Visitation Form:
For support for members unable to attend church.

Ministry to the Elderly Form:
For tailored support for elderly members.

For Practical Assistance:

Counseling Request Form:
To connect with trained counselors for guidance.